Listings Detail

4701 N Marion St, - 100, Denver, CO 80216

4701 N Marion St, - 100, Denver, CO 80216

Office for Lease in Historic Building

Short Term Office for Rent in the historic Livestock Exhange Building at the National Western Center.

Suites range from 1,200 - 3,600 SF

The 1916 structure is the most visible and recognizable to Stock-Show-goers, and retains much of its original features and charm, inside and out. Floors, ceilings, staircases and wood trim are largely untouched. Wood, marble, granite and terrazzo finishes still grace the interior.

The Denver Livestock Exchange oversaw livestock sales at the stockyards from 1906 to 1962. The Stock Yards National Bank safes can still be found on the first floor. The longest tenant in the building was the Colorado Brand Inspection Board (1906 to 2015).

Short term (1 year leases) are ideal, as exciting renovations of the building are imminent!

For Leasing Info and Contact: or 303.297.8151

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